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Wanting to buy some zoas


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Looking for some frags of zoas. Let me know what ya got. 

Hey there, what type of zoas are you looking for. Any in particular I just did some fraging this weekend and was going to be posting some later tonight most likely.


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Getting some stuff together for a new tank that is ready for corals. what do you have? 

Currently I have frags of the following I could get rid of.

Darth Maul
Blue Hornets
Utter Chaos
Whammin watermellons
Scrambled Eggs
Orange Bam Bams
And Sunny D's

Maybe some others as well.


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How much for a few frags maybe 5? I like alot of what you were offering. 

Hey there.

If u give me just a bit to get home I will shoot ya a PM and send u some pic's as well. I'm sure we can work something out though for sure.


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