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55 to 140


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Hi all. I need advise, Success stories, What NOT to do stories, etc. I'm finally about ready to upgrade my 55 to the 140. I got the "not broken" one this wkend and got rid of the cracked one on Craigslist. So my dilemma is: I want the new tank to go in the same spot the current one is in. I'll need to cycle the new one and can do the rock outside in bins, but how do I empty the 55 enough to move it and transfer it all to the 140? I can't do bins like Rory bc I have cats and dogs that will drink the water and eat the fish. [emoji6]. I'm guessing it'll all have to be done quickly... Like all in one weekend... I'm very open to any and all suggestions and comments. Thanks y'all! [emoji7]

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When I upgraded from my 75 to 180, I had to do it all in one day. Also had the same situation, the 180 was going where the 75 was. I got a couple of Rubbermaid bins from Home Depot. I drained as much water as I could in both bins. I slowly moved all the rock to one bin, drained more water, then caught all the fish and put them in the second bin. I also washed the hell out of the new sand prior to all this. We then moved the 75 out of the way and slid the 180 in. I put the rocks in, the sand and the water ( which was probably only around 40 to 50 gallons) then added another 130 gallons of new saltwater. I put the fish and coral in and everything was fine. Because I was short rock, I just slowly added new rock little by little till I had the amount I wanted. Never experienced another cycle and didn't lose a single thing. That was just the short version. Was just trying to let you know it can be done in one day, and done successful [emoji3]

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Oh and not to mention when I had to do it again when I moved everything from my 80 gallon cube to my corner tank so yea the second time around was much easier and less stressful

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I've always used temporary storage containers and tanks to house everything during the transition. Rubbermaid containers are always super helpful, loaner tanks that can house your fish and corals, whatever is big enough and safe to house livestock temporarily is good. Make sure you have air stones and heaters on hand to keep the animals happy and comfortable while transferring everything.

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