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0 to Harmonic Reef Community in a few Months!


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5 months ago, I bought a tank breakdown from a friend on the forum with a few mushrooms, some leathers, and urchin, a harlequin, and some snails.

I buckled down, did my research, picked the brains of so many people and built my little slice of heaven in a few short months. Everything about the tank happened quickly; water stabilized after moving fairly quickly, micro populations flourished, and everyone is growing quickly.

I can't help but feel like maybe I forgot some things and my biggest fear is that the tank will crash.

I feel pretty proud of my progress so far and I wanted to share it with you.



Green mushrooms

Fuzzy mushrooms

"Superman" mushroom?

Blue spotted mushroom?

Red mushrooms

Blue mushrooms

Purple-y-green-stripey mushroom?


Green finger leathers

"Willow tree" leather

Another leather tree aqua colored?

Kenyan tree




Crystal coral


5 types of macro algae

6 different palys (idk names?)




And a plate of something? (below pic)



Matriarchal ocelaris clownfish

2 baby oce. Clowns

2 Picasso hybrids

1 crazy colored, blue shimmer clown?

(I call him van Gogh)

2 4 stripe, blue tipped damsels

Bicolored blenny

Green Chromis

Bubbletip anemone

Mystery anemone?

Sand sifting seastar

4 sexy shrimp herd

Bumblebee shrimp

Candy pistol shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Green banded gobies

Banded (spiky fined) goby

Red scooter

Fan worms

Christmas tree worm

3 turbo snails

Smattering of other small snails

And another shrimp goby I forgot the name of...





I'd hate to jinx it, but I think I did well!


Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk

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