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My tank survived vacation!


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I was worried about my tank while we were on vacation for 2 weeks since we didn't even have phone or internet at all while we were out hiking in Oregon. We had a friend come over and check on things and do a water change after 1 week, and we had Timfish on call, so I probably didn't need to be worried.

Everything survived! Yay!! A few of the corals grew noticeably in the 2 weeks we were gone. And our clownfish laid eggs for the first time! I did find the water level a bit low when I got home. Our house sitter was adding water to the ATO, but I think it may have clogged and he didn't realize it. I did a quick water change and fixed the water level & salinity, will check out the ATO tonight. I'll be scraping extra algae for the next few days, but not nearly as bad as I had expected.

Thanks for being on call Timfish! So glad we didn't end up needing you!

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Good to see you survived too! grin.png

Right! I should probably have been more concerned about us than the tank! We hiked about 100 miles, had some really amazing days and some pretty tough days, it was definitely an epic adventure!

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