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New to ZeoVit think I overdosed carbon


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Having slow tissue recession from the tips on 2 of my sps and some cyano. Should I stop dosing the carbon source all together and do some water changes? Or keep adding like 1 ml (per my 140 Gallon) per day? Water changes are happening at 2 gallons a day.

I was just kind of shocked how quickly and effective the zeovit took hold. Dropped nutrients to very low really quickly. I had not been dosing amino acids. I have since started adding them at their prescribed amounts.


Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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What's the timeframe you're talking about here?

Tips is usually an ALK issue in my experience, but this sounds like you dropped your PO4 too quickly.

Edit, also are you dosing carbon along with zeo? Pretty sure this is a bad idea all around. The zeo works as basically a pre-removal mechanism. If you are dosing carbon or using biopellets at the same time, you can essentially strip all nutrients from the water.

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Yeah, we need more info.

How are you running Zeo. What additives are you adding. Coral Snow is for Problem solving so that wouldn't cause it.

None of those foods can really be overdosed unless you put the whole bottle in.

How much ZeoStart and ZeoBak are you dosing? How much Zeolites?

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My bad,

For the last 5 weeks:

I was dosing Zeostart 3 (what I called Carbon) at 7ml a day, Zeobak 11 drops 2-3 times a week, and ZeoFood 11 drops 2-3 times a week.

I had not been dosing any additives until last week, since the beginning of the system on November 12th. (I keep a log)

I thought I was following the regimen per the how to guide on bulk reef supply website. This was directly after I had placed my second round of rocks in the reactor. I just put my 3rd round in this last weekend. I think I just missed the mark where I really should have been dialing down the Zeostart and Zeofood.

With low nutrients the guide says I should be at 1ml of zeostart a day, or even less than that.

I guess I could rephrase and say I overdosed Zeostart3.

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You're supposed to keep a small amount of Zeolites when you change out the majority.

Also If you do have a 130g system you're definitely overdosing ZeoFood and Zeobak.

It's 1 drop per 25 gallons if I'm not mistaken....

Also Zeostart is 1 ml per 125 Gallons a Day! so if you're doing 7 ML a day!!!! holy crap!

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OK so I went home and lunch and ran a few test. Lets just say my little experiment of seeing how long I could go without adding, CA, MG, and Alkalinity is OVER. I wanted to see if water changes on a daily basis would keep up, lets just say they didn't. I had some old 2 part around that I just started dosing the normal dose.

According to the Zeovit guide its:

A) Amount to be used in newly established tanks with fresh water and live rock (non-stocked): Dose 5 ml per 25 gallons net water volume daily for 2 – 3 days. Subsequently, dose 1 ml per 25 gallons net water volume over a period of 2 weeks. Subsequently, dose like in tanks that are nutrient poor and stable running with the ZEOvit® system.

Then when you graduate to low nutrient its:

C) Amount to be used in tanks, which are nutrient poor and running stable with ZEOvit® system (already stocked): Dose continuously 1 – 2 ml per 250 gallons net water volume daily depending on nutrient conditions.

So I did over dose it. And I didn't provide enough of the main elements for them to grow. Feeling a bit sheepish. Calcium reactor should be arriving in a few days. (had waited to order it) Thank you for the heads up on the small amount of zeolites, I didn't know that. I need more like .5 ml of zeostart per day.

Moving forward would you continue to dose zeostart at .5 ml or wait a while before adding it back to the dosing list?

Edited by Mcjudge
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OK so I went home and lunch and ran a few test. Lets just say my little experiment of seeing how long I could go without adding, CA, MG, and Alkalinity is OVER. I wanted to see if water changes on a daily basis would keep up, lets just say they didn't. I had some old 2 part around that I just started dosing the normal dose.

According to the Zeovit guide its:

A) Amount to be used in newly established tanks with fresh water and live rock (non-stocked): Dose 5 ml per 25 gallons net water volume daily for 2 – 3 days. Subsequently, dose 1 ml per 25 gallons net water volume over a period of 2 weeks. Subsequently, dose like in tanks that are nutrient poor and stable running with the ZEOvit® system.

Then when you graduate to low nutrient its:

C) Amount to be used in tanks, which are nutrient poor and running stable with ZEOvit® system (already stocked): Dose continuously 1 – 2 ml per 250 gallons net water volume daily depending on nutrient conditions.

So I did over dose it. And I didn't provide enough of the main elements for them to grow. Feeling a bit sheepish. Calcium reactor should be arriving in a few days. (had waited to order it) Thank you for the heads up on the small amount of zeolites, I didn't know that. I need more like .5 ml of zeostart per day.

Moving forward would you continue to dose zeostart at .5 ml or wait a while before adding it back to the dosing list?

Id say to do the .5ml twice a day. like it should be. don't want to shock the system any more than it has been

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