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h202 dosing - what does it do?


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Most dose it to cure dinos. It's very efficient at oxidizing the water and attacks single-celled organisms very well.

Longer exposure to it can kill algae but needs to be done outside the tank to have it at a concentration high enough to kill the algae.

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Two different things there. Vodka dosing removes nutrients to starve out algae and dinos. The hydrogen peroxide attacks dinos when dosed in the tank and can do the same to algae if applied in higher concentration outside the tank.

So vodka, starve it, fix problem. Hydrogen peroxide, attack and kill it, but if nutrient issue is still there, they'll come back.

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so as the vodka removes nutrients this will also affect my macro algae in my refugium also correct? I think my nutrient problem came from a couple of issues: overfeeding, not having enough grazing fish, and/or not swapping out the filter socks often enough.

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