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Kole Tang Sick


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My Kole Tang is sick with something - any advice or any suggestions on what he may have would be appreciated.

A couple weeks ago I noticed he was acting different and he had some minor damage to his fins. At first I thought it may have been from stress - my air conditioning broke around this time (the tank's temps never got above 81 degrees though). However, over the last two days his condition has deteriorated significantly.


Fins damaged/ suffering from fin rot

Swimming very slow/erratically

Very weak - gets sucked to power heads if he gets near them

Colors are pale

Seems skinny

Possibly some type of growth on or in mouth?

He has been eating up until today. I currently have him in a 40 gallon quarantine tank I set up last night. I have dosed 1 day of Melafix to try to combat the fin rot.

Damaged Fins:


Kind of hard to see, but if you look closely you can see something coming from his mouth.


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That's odd for this to happen to an established fish with no introduction of a new fish. Did you add anything new to the tank?

Perhaps ammonia poisoning? Maybe something to do with the temperature change caused a small cycle and released enough ammonia to cause its deterioration? Just reaching at straws here but if you didnt add anything new to the tank, my suspicions are based on water quality.

If he is getting sucked into the pump, I'm going to say there's not much you can do for him at this point. I've never brought a fish back from that point.

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That's odd for this to happen to an established fish with no introduction of a new fish. Did you add anything new to the tank?

Perhaps ammonia poisoning? Maybe something to do with the temperature change caused a small cycle and released enough ammonia to cause its deterioration? Just reaching at straws here but if you didnt add anything new to the tank, my suspicions are based on water quality.

If he is getting sucked into the pump, I'm going to say there's not much you can do for him at this point. I've never brought a fish back from that point.

Nothing new has been added to the tank. Using an API test kit I have zero ammonia or nitrite as of this morning. Nitrate showing zero as well on a Red Sea test kit.

He is still alive as of this morning so I'm hoping he can pull out of it.

When we first got him (A year or so ago) he had Marine Lymphocystis - it went away after a few weeks, but maybe now it is attacking him again? It doesn't look like the same symptoms though. http://imgur.com/a/8g5Zt

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