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My kids decided to try and "pet" the corals


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I got out of the shower and walked into my kitchen and I noticed my montipora had been moved, possibly fallen over. I walk around to look at the other side of the tank and see a zoa chunk in the sandbed, frogspawn held between a fallen birdsnest, the nem shrunken in her hidey hole O.O

A snail could not have done this so I turn to the only other culprits in the house. I ask, "what did you do to the tank?" and my son pipes up, "I was trying to pet the corals but they kept moving away."

Franticly wash children's hands and get set up to rescape the tank, re-glue frags....guess I know what I'll be doing the next couple hours... *smh*

*we had a long discussion about poisonous things living in there and that they can get hurt...

Maybe this is a sign I should get the 75 running so they can't climb on the counter and reach in the tank whistle.gif

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I don't know about your kid but a larger tank would not have deterred me it just would have made my inevitable success all the more rewarding, also the resulting mess would have been much more pervasive.

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I don't think I can do an octopus in a 75....if I had an octopus that would make all my dreams come true.

I am a fan of pacific dwarf cuttlefish, they are reef safe (as far as corals go), communal (as far as they are concerned), they don't require the tank be like Fort Knox, and they only get to be like 6 inches so you can keep a school of them in any reasonable sized aquarium.

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I buy 12packs of superglue gel off amazon to have handy for when my maroon clown decides its time to re-aquascape. he also loves picking at my wrist a lot. I've been having to superglue my plugs onto the barren disc of epoxy because of the maroon. active, funny... annoying *lol* its actually kinda cool to see the various "personalities" in my tank, he's definitely a clown, heh. (i got a ____ton of stuff from aquasd on july 4th*lol*)

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its great to make a flat surface if you dont have one, then use superglue when it falls *lol* I;ve read that you have to "cup" your disc/peg where it makes a sort of vacuum so it doesnt come off... but you have to use like 3x as much if you do that. so i just wait for it to fall and superglue it. if im freaked out, i just pull it off a day later and superglue it.

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Mind. Blown. How about I install a combo lock on the top?

A combo lock on the lid would keep the kid out but it would make feeding a pain in my opinion unless you had a little feeding door.

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on my old corner 75g tank, i ended up plumbing a 1.5" PVC pipe to just above the surface of the water, put a 1.5->3" reducer on the top and used a peanut "jar/canister" lid to close cover it shut. was awesome *lol*

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I came home from a business trip and there where dead white SPS frags all over the place. My first thought was Tank Crash but after I checked to see what had died and the panic attacked ended I realized my son had collected dead SPS from the garage thrown them in the tank.

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