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Is it normal for a hammer coral to only have long tentacles?


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Whenever I turn the lights on over my tank, my hammer "opens up" and the tentacles get really long. Whenever I see a picture of a hammer, there are not long tentacles.

Any advice is appreciated.



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There are a couple different species of Euphylia that are called hammer and it certainly seems reasonable to me there would be different strains as well but polyp or tenticle expansion is also influenced by light, water flow, water quality, food and probably some other variables as well.

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I second timfish's response. Mine did the day before I got a new light (hydra 52 from a 4xHO T5). My hammer with the T5 became a LT hammer because it stretched towards the light to receive more light. It's a light issue. When I switched to the hydra it was more than happy with the amount of light it was getting and slowly went back to a "normal" hammer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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