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65 gallon breeder reef ready tank (Photos added)


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Hey guys my dad has been taking care of my tank the past couple years bc I travel a lot, but is unable to do so anymore so I am selling. I will be adding pictures and details as I get them from my dad. Please ask any questions you may have. I would like to get $1000 for the whole setup or $700 for the tank and $500 for the lights by themselves. The lights alone run around $1000 for 2 of them.



65 gallon breeder tank drilled (few scratches, won't see unless your looking for them) 36x18x24tall

-black stand

-sump around 20 gallons

-skimmer rated for around 100 gallon tank

-AI VEGA led lights w/ director

-RO system with easy hookup to a sink



-around 50-60 lbs Fiji love rock

-live sand (not sure on lbs but covers about an inch all the way around the tank

-Yellow tang (great condition, won't find one this clean in stores)

-flame angel

-6 line wrasse

Yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp pair

-one clownfish

-Bartlett anthias

-fire shrimp and cleaner shrimp

Various beginner corals (some attached to rock some are separate.post-2241-0-32933800-1422055052_thumb.jp





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