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I am going through approximately 5 gallons of topoff water every 2.5 days on my 100 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump. I haven't found any leaks so I'm hopeful that it's due to the central heat being on more. Anyone else having a similar experience? I seem to recall something similar last year, but don't recall it being this excessive.

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That doesn't seem TOO exsesive to me; provided you don't have a canopy.

90 gallon tank, ~ 25 gallon sump W/ turf scrubber (increases evap considerably) = aprox 1 gallon/ day

But I have a pretty tight canopy, I was running about the same evap this summer in my 46 with an open top.

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I used to dry buildings when they got wet for a living.

I would teacj my new techs "warm air holds more moisture than cold air" This is actually a parabola which is not entirely true, but true enough.

So, yes, evap increases in our tanks when our heater in our house is on; but it should be pointed out to our wives that while water intake increases, electricity decreases because the moisture makes the air more dense thus increasing it's ability to hold temperature!

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My summer rate was pretty crazy in my 90. Something around 2 gallons per day.

You don't use a fireplace in addition to the AC at all do you? Those drop the humidity in a house so much, tank evaporation goes through the roof.

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