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Coral Dip


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Anywhere from 1:10 - 1:50 is safe and effective. Should have no problem with 10 - 20 minutes dipping time. Also, make sure to rinse in several stages to get it all off the coral. Will wreak havoc on tank inverts if it makes it into the DT or QT.

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I haven't been able to overdose it Manny so I stopped carefully measuring. Here's my process:

1) Put on gloves and dump Bayer in until it turns a cloudy white and I can't see my corals at the bottom anymore.

2) Leave it in for 10-15 mins

3) Shake the corals vigorously in the dip water.

4) Transfer the coral to the rinse water and shake it again in the same manner. I use one hand to pick up and shake the coral from the dip and transfer it to the other hand to place into the rinse water and dip, thereby minimizing transfer of the dip water.

5) After 10-15 mins in rinse water, I repeat the process with new gloves and another bucket of rinse water. I found this 2nd rinse station to help immensely in minimizing transfer of any Bayer to the tank. (It doesn't take much entering your tank to decimate your pod population. I've done it 2x where enough got in even after careful rinsing to nuke my pods. Took 3-4 months before I saw pods again each time.)

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