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Several hundred pistol shrimps, 10 pipe fish and 2 sea horses All for trade

Chad and Belinda

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We went to Port A this weekend and did a little collecting (no peppermints on this trip). We have the following for trade:

(3) pistol shrimps that are about 1"

(1) pistol shrimp about 1.5" with 200+ babies. As soon as I put her in a cup to separate all of them she dumped several hundred babies. Looks like she is still holding on to a lot more. We fed some to our sea horses but I have enough live food for them at them moment. Not sure what the chances for survival is but they are cool to watch zipping around.

(2) Pigmy sea horses and one looks like he is ready to put out some babies: If you know how to properly care for them and are interested, let me know. I am waiting on someone to let me know if they are interested in them. If not, I'd like to know who would be. Please read up on their care. Belinda and I have had very good luck (along with a few issues) with our wild caught sea horses although the pygmys are a bit more of a challenge because they need live food such as rotifers.

(10) pipe fish. Some are fantails. Most are 4" to 6" long.

I'll post pics later.

For the pistols and sea horses let me know what you have for trade. Nothing bland please. For the pipe fish at least a good joke.

As always, if you post to this thread make sure you send me a PM or call/ text as I do not check my threads several times a day but do get alerts on PM's. We have a busy day planned so please be patient. I go in order of PM/ text, not posts.

512 nine three four four nine seven four.


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If you don't mind my asking... I go to Port A all the time and never seem to have any luck catching anything.. where is the best place to look? I even went so far as to get a crawfish trap online to try and catch things and didn't get diddly

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Go out to the end of the jetty at night, down amongst the rocks. Also, check the clumps of sea weed floating in the water. I found a crab with a large clutch of eggs on one. Others have gotten the Sargassum fish that way.

I think Chad has had luck with a seine net on some of the inland islands too.

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It would be cool if someone put the hotspots on a map and showed usss HINT HINT ( We go to Corpus and Padre all the time Show us the sweet Spots )

Lol...I think I get the hint.

I plan on doing something like this when we return from our Port A trip next week. It's much easier to do that you might think and equipment is minimal.

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Go out to the end of the jetty at night, down amongst the rocks. Also, check the clumps of sea weed floating in the water. I found a crab with a large clutch of eggs on one. Others have gotten the Sargassum fish that way.

I think Chad has had luck with a seine net on some of the inland islands too.

Your right!

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I go most weekends, always catch seargant majors, peppermint shrimp, and pipefish. Usually get a few sargassum anglers, file fish, small dusky damsels, and Molly millers. Caught a 2 inch puffer with my seine net a couple weeks ago. Also got a little red spotted wrasse I kept in my display, he is awesome. You'd be amazed what you can catch in port aransas. I just am not 100% on the whole legality of it all, my brothers get fishing licenses when we are there, so when people ask it's just bait! :)

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Caught two butterfly fish last year, they were pretty awesome too. And I saw the BIGGEST sea hare I've ever seen in my life on the rock jetty. He had wings and was all leopard spotted... At least a foot long.

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