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BRS 150 RODI problem.


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Just encountered a problem with my brand-new BRS 150 R ODI system i've been using it often on to make water for my top off system. It will eventually be plumbed into my 210s sump with the apex controlling an on off valve to keep the water topped off.

Right now I shut it off manually at the waterline. I have it set up with a valve on the line that I run from the DI canister down to the 5 gallon jugs that I'm storing water in. I shut that valve off this time instead of running over to the water supply and shutting it off there.

Few seconds after shutting it off I heard a loud pop and trickling noise looked up and the DI canister has sprung a leak. Specifically the intake has blown at the T. The part where the red wire comes in has popped out and water was coming from there. I'm assuming this is the shut off halting the flow of water from R O section to the DI.

Anyone ever have this happen before? is this a bad automatic shut off? Or was it just not tight enough? Do I need to have them or send me a replacement valve or should I try to salvage this piece?

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I'd say to call BRS and walk through the issue with them. They helped me fix mine pretty quickly when I'd figured out I'd installed something wrong. Things start getting complicated when you have auto-shut off, flush kit, booster pump... etc

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Sounds like you might have the ASOV plumbed incorrectly. Rory is sage, post us some pics with the way its plumbed or call up BRS. They're actual experts instead of all us internet warriors, so they can probably help more quickly.

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upon close inspection it appears that the fitting that holds the probe for the intake cracked and blew under pressure. Not sure if that was caused by improper plumbing or material defect. I'll call BRS and chat with them.

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After chatting with BRS (very helpful) it looks like the broken part is a standard mur-lock T fitting that the tds meter probe fits into. Easy replacement. Appears that the problem was a defect in the fitting but we'll see.

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was this the inlet fitting to the RO membrane? If so, i could see the pressure cracking it. However on the outlet of the DI resin (where you would normally put your "out" TDS probe) shouldnt be under hardly any pressure at all.

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it was on the DI unit. Plan is to put a new fitting on and put it back up to pressure and see what happens. I'll also be able to get reading on the pressure gauge. I described my set up and plumbing to BRS and he said it sounds right.

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