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Any chance it's not Ich


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First fish in the new tank and this is what happens.

My beautiful new Pink Square Anthias looked good in the store and when I got him home. Mouth had a little spot, that I thought was from transport.

But by later Sunday night, the spots started to appear. He was hiding so I didn't get a good look at him.

I treated with Melafix on Monday after work. I removed the carbon filter and turned off the protein skimmer.

When I got home today, he looked like this.

He is coming to the front of the tank. I haven't seen him eat. I've feed him mysis shrimp and frozen krill. Breathing looks OK, much less than when he was going through the acclimation process. The LFS had the water at 1.02 (maybe less) the tank was at 1.024. So it took me a couple of hours for the acclimation.




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I lost him!sad.png

He was not covered in any thick coat of slime, all the spots appear to have been gone. There appeared to be some damage to his scales. Like he had been moved roughly a few times.

One thing I forgot to provide was the water conditions of the main tank:

Salt - 1.024

Ammonia - 0

Nitrate - <15 ppm

Nitrite - 0

KH- 180

PH - 7.8

What do you think killed him? I have pictures if that would help.

What should I do with the tank? How do I move forward?

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