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??Moving my Reef Tank??


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Hey ARC!

I wanted to see if anyone had some advice/experience moving their reef tank long distances?!

I just recently received a great opportunity in California to work with UCLA's biology research department after I graduate from UT in May! However, I would be heartbroken to have to sell off my livestock and corals and start over. :(

Not even sure if this is possible since the trip will be several days with now power in the back of a u-haul?? But if it is, I was hoping someone on here would have some experience and/or advice about how to keep the corals and fish alive for the trip!


-Shane (UTreefer)




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Honestly, I've done that drive with a nano tank and buckets of corals. They all survived!

Just give all the rocks a good rinse first in saltwater. Then bag up your corals like a fish store would. Then float them in buckets and drive drive drive! I drove it straight... 22 hrs... with a 30 min nap. I was young and stupid though.

Only thing was all my corals were in the car with me and climate controlled.

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Haha, Thanks Jeeper!

I considered shipping them, but just a little nervous with how "handling" might go lol. But I am gonna try and have some things ready when I get there (possibly upgrading the size as well!), just have my brother run some errands for me ahead of time since he lives out there!

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I guess it really depends on how quickly you can get them setup in your new place. Once you get there and have power, I imagine they would be ok for quite some time. Worst case scenario you could get an inverter for inside the cab that would allow you to supply oxygen to the fish and even a heater, given you got one with a large cab. The fish would be my biggest concern. You have some beautiful corals and I am sure there are plenty of people on here that would love to give them a good home. spiteful.gifdribble.gif If you weren't able to move them of course.

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+1 to JeeperTy. You'd need to have everything bagged up in your car fish and coral and tank drained to at least 15% with towels drapped over the LR.

Make the trip as fast as possible and have a bin of fresh saltwater ready.

I would suggest finding a friend that'll help with 50% of the trip as I've made long trips a couple of times and any full day trip of straight driving and I'm out of commision for a day.

Maybe you could pay for your brother's one way trip here and he help with the drive?

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So bags would be better then bins for the livestock/corals?

… And funny you say that Brian, my brother actually already has a one way flight booked cause he wanted to be there at graduation, and then help with move! I just have to plan ahead for him to set things up before he leaves….. provided I can actually pull this off lol!

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If you think about it, lot's of live stock are shipped from florida to Cal via land without issue Styrofoam is the key to this. The Aquadome has plenty for cheap!

Having water ready on the other end is a big boost, but if you can add some bactera to start a cycle it would be even better..too much "fresh" water could force a new cycle in a move like you're talking about.

Also, if you're renting a truck and not a trailer you may be able to run an AC converter off the lighter plug and have a heater or even a circ fan running off it to your main cycled water stock (in the right van of course) would be great to maintain your bacteria.

Lastly (from me anyway) is consider that bagging fish individually means you should prob acclimate them individually. So, consider bagging them in groups.

As with most things in this hobby, preperation pays off!

Goog luck and congrats!

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