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Can you remove a center brace from a SUMP?


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I have not been able to use my new Sump the way I want to because the centerbrace is in the way of the equipment I need to use. Does anyone know how I could safely remove it and add two smaller braces or any other solutions there may be?


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Also, It should be noted that there are baffles siliconed in right in the center also which could act as a temporary brace as a "new one" cures, etc? Or could negate the reason for having a brace since the baffle may already be enough to take care of it.

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If the center baffle is glass it will work as support. If it's acrylic silicone will make a water tight seal around it but it is a very week bond and could pull loose. Like grim said if it's not going to be filled it's possible you can get away with not using a center support but using a support, either one large one or two smaller ones, adds an element of safety.

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it's hard to tell from the picture, but those look more like cover holders than braces. i agree with timfish, that if your baffle is glass it will probably do that job.

if the braces are held on by screws then pull them off and slowly fill the sump and look for bowing. if it starts to bow, drain it and put the braces back on or think of other options.

apparently glass is not subject to "creep" like other materials unless if it way hot. (not a glass engineer, though). so if it doesn't bow when filled it wont start bowing over time unless it is hot enough to boil all the water out. which would remove the load and eliminate the creep. also, boiling would probably indicate other problems with the tank and the sump would not be your primary concern. note: if you don't know, creep is basically deformation over time. like a book shelf that slowly sags more and more due to the weight of the books. it may not sag originally, but will sag later due to the constant weight.

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The Brace is gone!

Complete PAIN IN THE @"@&@/*%} doing it while the sump is under the tank.

No issues so far, and as well as the silicone was holding on the brace, I think the tank will be fine. Plus the baffles that are in it help too.

Makes it so much easier to do what I need to do!

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