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Reef Fanatic Micro pH Controller - Price reduced! $40


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Selling my Reef Fanatic Micro pH controller that I have been using to control my Calcium reactor. It is really easy to use and program and has treated me well the last 2 years.

I am selling the unit itself without a pH probe. You will have to buy your own pH probe for it to work. Nice alternative to run a CaRx without having to spend all that money on an Apex.

Has a connector for the pH probe and a controlled outlet for a solenoid that switches on/off depending on the pH levels. I was using it even though I had an Apex because I wanted to free up some outlets on my Apex system. You could do the same if you already have an Apex and want to free up an outlet/port.

You can also use it in place of having to buy a $350+ controller like an Apex. Brand new it runs about $150-185 with pH probe. Get it used for $60 and buy your own probe.

PM is the key. Cash or paypal only. $60 $40 Thanks!




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