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20G High School Tank Progress


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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't updated in a while. I was able to take my mom and sister up to the school with me today to see all my tanks and meet Mr. Smith himself. Was pretty fun.

The other day I removed the remaining SW molly cause Clowns are way meaner than they look >.<

I was in a rush and literally just scooped it out and dumped it in the FW community tank. A week later, he/she is still kicking it :)

So now I'll be getting a school of Mollies for the FW tank.

Thinking about getting an emerald crab for the SW tank. But I know for sure I want the Goby/shrimp combo when I can save up for it. FOR SURE :D

Hopefully going to pick up some dry rock from another member soon, bigger pieces to use as a solid foundation. What I have is mainly a ton of small pieces, which tends to fall apart often and move around a lot.

Palys are doing good, Marley is active and hungry as always. I believe my cycling is super duper officially over now. No signs whatsoever of ammonia or nitrites... Nitrates on the other hand.. They are def there, but I always suck so hard at doing the test.. With the shaking and the banging lol so I'll retest for those tomorrow as well as try a water change. Then I need to prepare myself to get that bucket ready for the frag swap. Not to be a total moocher but inside I'm hoping some super nice members will offer me free frags. Even if they are super lame ugly frags :P

I was possibly getting a job at the Fish Gallery, but the manager hasn't called yet. Been over a week since my interview. I really hops I can work somewhere like that. It's not too far from the house and I really need a job. I HAVE to help support my family.

My dad up and left us for another family, and obviously loves them more. Anyways, I don't want to go into the sob story of my life. I need money, as well as needing to go get a replacement ID, since my wallet ran away from me.

Things have been INCREDIBLY stressful these past few weeks and I've been contemplating just quitting it all and giving up on everything but I can't. So I'll keep trucking along till I have another breakdown. Hope all of you guys are fairing much better than me.

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yeah hermit crab will just walk along the bottom of the tank and pick off anything that the fish don't eat.

Youre welcome to him. I'm home during the day all this week so let me know when you want to pick him up.

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Got some live rock from another member :D



Got to the school today to find the light on the tank was UNPLUGGED. Freaking students are such jerks sometimes. Apparently charging your phone is more important than my tank.



Play was black here and there. Opened up a bit when I put the light back on, after 10 or so minutes:


FTS after new live rock was put in:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Compiled the 8 front tank shots I have so far into a tiny slideshow. Nothing fancy, but if I remember, I plan to take a photo every day I go to CHS so I can make an epic slideshow :) 


the song on the video had me cheering for that dt. Cool video

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

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  • 2 months later...

That's a really cool tank I just started my 75 my self I was a fresh water junkie through all of high school It's my first semester at Texas State now and all I have time for is school and my tank!!! You should buy some LEDs eventually they do wonders for coral. I always have extra fish stuff that I buy or find if your interested 512 993 5751.my name is Eric by the way.

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