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Pailines's Day Dream Build - Concept Art by yours truly


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Plywood Cut Design: Minimizing Waste and Maximize Stability


SketchUP Design for Shape and Overlay (w/o door)


Rendering for Final Product (w/o door)


Silent yet least invasive Overflow design (NOT STRESS TESTED)


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Concern #1 Water Level:

As illustrated, the Primary and Secondary drain in the overflow box regulates the water level of the display tank.

When Display Level is 'Less than' the level in the Overflow BOX, water drain though the bulk head into the box.
And vice versa happens.... hopefully but then again, this is literary a 'dream' tank.

Concern #2 Surface Skimming:

Surface skimming sounds great, but it really doesn't do much when it collects in the sump; blocking oxygen exchange of the refugium. (At least that’s what I think, but then again I may be wrong)

I prefer to just scoop it out (maybe bi-daily) by tilting a measuring cup and remove the surface impurities in concentrations than having it mixed and spread around the tank for days to come until the next water change.


Bulkhead connection eliminates the need to use silicon. It reduce time spent curing, potential toxicity and general ugliness.

Personally I believe that overflow box should be "cleaner" friendly.

Cleaner crew such as snails and shrimps should be able to traverse easily in and out of the overflow box, mauling away at algae growth, detritus settlement and aphasia growths.

Furthermore, I really like this concept due to the fact that it's almost ZERO clearance. You can take a scraper and get right up against the bulk head and not worry about if you are chipping away at the silicon joints of your overflow box.

At the end of the day, this is what I think, but then again, you might see something i have not.

Don’t be afraid to post. I like to get as much feed back as I can.

I mean, after all I’m not a architect nor am I a experienced marine biologist.

Mistakes WILL BE MADE, it's better to learn from them before it's too late.

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