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Reefkeeper Sid v2

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Hi all,

Nw to this forum. Found it along the way while searching for a reefkeeper Sid (need the v2)

Long story short, I just added a lighting module and finished programming the controller last night. Realized when it didn't work it was because there a firmware mismatch.

Going to send my v1 Sid in for a swap but wanted to try and get it running this weekend.

If anyone has a v2 Sid I would be very grateful if I could borrow it for a day. I'd be happy to buy ya a 6 pack of your favorite beer.

Jut need it to rollout the firmware update.



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It's definitely user upgrade able. The challenge is that my version 1 Sid (basically a USB interface) is an old model which does not support the newer v2 firmware. Seems dumb to me but apparently there is no way to update the Sid it'self to v2. DA is offering trade ins for the upgrade but I know that's going to take a few weeks.

Was looking for a quick fix up and running while I wait for the new Sid


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I've got one that came with a RKL. Are they the same unit?

Should be all the SID are the same, just needs to have new firmware.

FWIW I sent on in got it updated, got it back and it downgraded itself about 45 min after use. Then got sstuck on downgrade for 2 days them updated itself automatically.... made no sense. But that whole system is wonky, I've seen it turn lights on at random times and almost nuke a tank with heaters, luckily we had an oversized chiller that was able to keep up a great fight until we saw what was happening when we got in that morning.

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