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Toadstool woes


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My new (2 weeks) toadstool and hammer have been pulled in over the past few days. I did a 20% water change yesterday. I chesked all my parameters before the water change and discovered my salinity was down a bit (1.022). It came up to 1.024 following the water change and the hammer opened up today. The toadstool still looks like this. Is there anything else I should look for or is this normal behavior for a toadstool?


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My toadstool stayed pulled in for two straight months once. Zero polyp extension. Then one day it shed a coating of skin and its been polyp mania ever since. Dustin is right though. If a snail so much as touches mine it hides for an hour. They hate change. Lights on, polyps in, lights off polyps in, pumps off polyps in. Any change whatsoever triggers it

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Looks fine man. Just give it time. If you haven't done a carbon change, sometimes that would perk mine up. I have a hunch that they're more sensitive to the chemical warfare than many other species. I can't back that up , just seems to be the case in my tank.

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As long as it isn't detaching from the rock it is on you're fine. I have a few toadstools and they often will retract for a week or so at a time. I had one just recently (about a month ago) that was retracted for 10ish days.

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Yeah it's fine. If your water parameters are in range and your temperature is good, and nothing is touching it, it's fine. When it dies you'll know. It'll detach an dissolve and rot in the water. It's just being moody. My toadstool (while still young) is super healthy, with polyps that reach over 2" but every day or two it'll lean over and look depressed. They just do it.

Change your carbon. Check salinity. If your parameters are in check, just ignore the toadstool. Give it the silent treatment and it'll get tired of its silly game and will be looking happy again eventually. Remember. 2 straight months mine did that. Not a single polyp for 2 months.

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