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Got my first Koralia!


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I bought a used-but-in-excellent-condition Koralia 4 and got it in the mail today! Do I get initiated into some kind of club now or something? :) Right now I have it on the back glass, about halfway down and a third of the way over, angled slightly toward the middle of the tank. That seems to be a good place for it, but would it be too much flow to have one on each end of my 48" tank?

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Just be glad you didn't stumble onto thecaptivereef.com recently. I will never have enough money to get all the stuff I have on my want list. An Infinity G35, Pontiac Trans Am, 6x Pyle Audio PADH-21580, 2x Pyle Audio PASC218, Samson Audio SX1800, 4x Samson Audio SX2800, Numark CDN-95,

then we finally get to reef equipment and livestock and you know how much that can cost. I'm thinking about $15k.

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I don't know what have of that stuff is. :) But I can relate, I'm always juggling, too. I'm just now recovering from a new school wardrobe for my daughter and new winter clothes. Now it's Christmas, then her birthday, then a new Spring wardrobe, then tuition to summer sports camps, etc. Thank goodness I only have the one child!

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I sold my Koralia 4, I did not like the wide "V" shaped flow and modded it with a shroud a year ago. It helped but the output of a MjMod is so much better. I know the Koralia's now come with a shroud to help with that crazy flow pattern. On a 4' tank you could get away with several K 4's and be ok. The flow isn't one that pushes distance. I had one on my old 125 and it was hard to feel the flow 2' away. I did like it for the mounting and it it is a good bang for the buck powerhead.

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So far I love it. I'm amazed at how much different my tank looks (all I had was 3 cheapo powerheads bought at the chain store). I don't have a bubble trap in my sump, and between that and the powerheads, my tank was full of bubbles and 'stuff' all floating around. Now my water is almost perfectly clear. I see the frogspawn and xenias moving, but I don't see the 'water flow' anymore like you do with PH's.

I'm going to get at least one more, and maybe 2.

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If you are keeping sps you will want lots of dispersed flow. Seio's, Tunzes and and other "stream" designed pumps are the way to go. Lots of gph and a very wide flow pushes more volume than maxi jet type pumps. Flow is every bit as important to the health of sps as light is. Keep the flow up. :-)

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I hope he has a good stock of them...I was there yesterday with the g/f and there were about 5 or 6 K4's on the shelf. :-)

It was our first trip to the store...I liked it a lot and more importantly the g/f liked it too. hehehehe

I figure they'll run out in the first 5 minutes. And since they've been so hard to get, it's odd they're half price.

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