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Micro bubble mania

Jason & Amber

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Got the tank set up with the skimmer but it is putting a lot of micro bubbles into the tank. It's a Innovative Marine Nuvo 16 with the Innovative Marine Aqua Gadget skimmer. I've tried putting a sponge where it flows into the pump chamber but doesn't help. Would filling the pump chamber with live rock help get rid of some of the micro bubbles?

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Pic of the bubbles


Here's a pic in the back where I have a sponge water is a little low because I was experimenting trying to get bubbles to stop.


This is just a reference to see the set up. Skimmer is where the heater is in this pic. I have tried switching skimmer to other side still did the same thing.

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So prior to turning the skimmer on you had everything running smoothly without bubbles and as soon as you turned on your skimmer you got bubbles and if you turn the skimmer off the bubbles disappear right?

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Ill check it on lunch raised the water level before work this morning. The bubbles stop if I turn the skimmer off. I was thinking of a bubble trap but I dont know how I can get it in back there, I can barely get the sponge in there cause my hands are to big.

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how new is the tank? From what I have learned (and experienced) new systems will produce a lot of micro bubbles until they form the slime or coating of nastiness on the inside. On my first setup, the brand new HOB skimmer made micro bubbles like crazy for the first 4-5 weeks. Then one day they magically stopped. Hope this helps

new skimmer* not new systems

Edited by kmacc05
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