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I just wanted to make a shout out to one of our great sponsors. I had started contemplating moving up to LEDs, and had recently been starting to research them. Well lo and behold, my MH fixture bit this dust this morning, and so my decision got moved up.

I wanted to not only thank you for a reasonably priced product, but for also getting local stores (in this case Aqua-Dome) to stock them... they were a real life saver. I got a pair of your 48" Reef LEDs, and man do they look nice! My entire tank is lit up now, compared to my dual 150W MH (with a few supplemental strips of LEDs for dawn/dusk affect) which lit it up well, but the front was always problematic.

It is weird not hearing the light fans, but I think I will rapidly get used to that smile.png

So thanks again for the great product! Your sponsorship to ARC is what drove me to seek you out in the Dome.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, the before/after pics are great! We really appreciate all of the local support we have received in our first seven months. We appreciate everyone's patience as we improve the products, and we plan to keep hiring more Austinites as we grow.

Thanks again smile.png


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