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I need computer help


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I know there are some IT folks here, I just don't recall who. My desktop won't start Windows. :o At first it just wouldn't start Internet Exp - it would act like it would start, then immediately shut down IE. Everything else was fine. I did some searching thru files and discovered it had quite a bit of spyware and adware. (My daughter goes to UTube, etc, and my sister had used it to check her AOL email and some of the internet dating sites <gasp>). Had I known my sister wanted to use it for this, I wouldn't have let her. I didn't find out about it until I searched through the adware. Anyway, everything else was fine except for the internet.

A little time went by, maybe a week, and now it won't start windows. When we turn it on, it goes to the screen that lists Start Windows Normally, Safe Mode, etc. I can choose any option and it will do the same thing - act like Windows is going to start up, show the logo, then go back to that screen. I've tried Safe Mode, Save Mode with Dot Prompt, etc. Nothing works.

Anyone know what I can do?

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Did you scan for virii or only spyware and adware? Anyone installing spyware is only benefited when your computer works. If you can't get on the internet they can't get on your hard drive, so I really doubt it's spyware. Adware is usually as simple as a cookie and the same applies: if you can't use the computer they can't collect any of your data. It sounds more like a virus or software conflict. Has anyone installed anything recently? It could also be a hardware failure like starfire said. I recommend getting professional help at this point. If you don't have your data backed up the problem could get worse every time you restart the computer.

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Are you running Windows Defender. This is a free spyware software available from Microsoft. I have several spyware/adware programs I can ge t to you if needed.

Is the system booting at all or is it rebooting over and over? You can also run a repair to Windows. PM me. . .

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Not running Defender. It's not completely booting - just makes it as far as the logo screen for about 2 seconds, then shuts off. If I choose to run Win normally or with a dot prompt or whatever, it just makes it as far as the logo screen for about 2 seconds then shuts down and goes back.

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I will be willing to help out if needed. There are several things to cause a computer to fail the boot process. In most cases, you will need to reload the machine. Since the computer is trying to boot, getting the data off should not be an issue. I actually work at Microsoft and would like to help you resolve the issue. Can you tell me what operating system you are running?

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I will be willing to help out if needed. There are several things to cause a computer to fail the boot process. In most cases, you will need to reload the machine. Since the computer is trying to boot, getting the data off should not be an issue. I actually work at Microsoft and would like to help you resolve the issue. Can you tell me what operating system you are running?

I'm running XP. The only things I'm worried about are about 5 yrs of digital pics that I never backed up


I also found a screw in the carpet that I think might be contributing to the problem. it's a Gateway, and the screws in the back have black plastic heads on them. That's what I found in the carpet.

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Unles you have a physical failure of the disk drive, we should be able to get the data off the drive. This is no guarentee, but very likely. We should be able to get all your pictures, music, and documents. If the machine needs to be reloaded, you will need to have all the CD's that came with your machine. The Gateway's usually have a restore CD case that includes all the software that was loaded from the factory. Our Aunt had a Gateway with the same problem and we just reloaded the machine. All was fine after that. I sent you a message with my contact information if you would like me to help out. And of course, there is no charge.

Since the screw was on the carpet, I dont think it has anything to do with your failure. If the screw was inside the case and rolling around, I would then suspect it may have shorted something on the motherboard. Save the screw.

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Did you scan for virii or only spyware and adware? Anyone installing spyware is only benefited when your computer works. If you can't get on the internet they can't get on your hard drive, so I really doubt it's spyware. Adware is usually as simple as a cookie and the same applies: if you can't use the computer they can't collect any of your data. It sounds more like a virus or software conflict. Has anyone installed anything recently? It could also be a hardware failure like starfire said. I recommend getting professional help at this point. If you don't have your data backed up the problem could get worse every time you restart the computer.


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Ah, just saw this. Yep, I scanned it McAfee when it only had internet problems and found and removed a ton of stuff. One other bit of info - my sister was over using my machine because the exact same thing had happened to hers a month before. First it had internet problems, then wouldn't boot up correctly. I've had home desktops for about 10-12 years and never had this problem.

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I have used Bart PE to boot the system to a virtual operating system (XP) and have run several Spyware/adware removal programs, so it could be spyware that is causing a conflict somewhere. I would almost bet however it is a virus of some sort but I will default to jsr who works for Microsoft. . .

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My guess is the registry got screwed up when you removed "a ton of stuff". I would guess you deleted a .dll or similar that windows is looking for on boot up. It should still boot in safe mode though. I have a couple extra hard drives if you want to start with a clean copy of XP without messing with your current drive. Then you can piggy back the original drive as the D drive and copy everything over.

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Sounds like JSR has you set up.

Most spyware and anti virus aren't designed to remove any Dll files but with some of the freeware stuff out there ya never know.

May want to check around to see if anyone was on Myspace. There are tons of bogus "friends" requests that go out on myspace that do exactly what you are having problems with.

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Yep, hopefully I can get it over to jsr this week. Myspace is blocked because I have a 12 yr old daughter. :D

Oh bless you Karen. Good move. I hear they usually go on it at school or friends' houses though. The most effective security measure is to make sure she always travels in a group. It's statistically proven that creeps usually get cold feet if their date isn't alone and vulnerable. Sorry, a bit off topic, that's just my 2¢.

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I'm one of those overprotective moms. :D I have GPS on her cell phone, and I tell every parent that she's not allowed on their computer or to roam their neighborhood. Amazingly enough, I get a lot of attitude from them about that. But it's either my rules, or she doesn't go over there. You wouldn't believe the parents that will drop their kids off at 10PM at the movies or anywhere, and they look at me like I'm crazy when I say I don't do that.

Myspace is blocked at her school as well, along with youtube and facebook, and the other site that's similar, though I can't recall the name.

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