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Acclimating to new lighting


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The canopy for the 150 will be delivered today. I will have 2x250 MH 10K lights inside 2 "lumenbright" reflectors. The bulbs will be 8-10" above the water with a tank depth of 22" after subtracting the 2" sandbed. I will be moving stock from my 29 which has 1x150 MH 14K which is 5" above the water with a tank dept of 17" after subtracting the 1" sandbed. My question is do I need to acclimate the new corals to the 250s? I have green birdnest, purple birdnest, red digitati, couple of rics, a blasto, some polys, zoos and assorted LPS.



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Here is an idea well steeped in an opinion(not gospel):

First assumption: The things will need time to acclimate to the new light

Second assumption: the contents of you 29 gallon are going to take up a small percentage of the 150

I would turn on 1 250 over the 150 gallon and see if there is a section that has the same mount of light as your 29gallon. Then I would try to fit the 29 gallon's creatures in that area. I would continue to run just a single 250 for a while(how long will be determined by what the corals do). As the days/weeks pass, I would slowly move the former 29 gallon's contents under more direct light. I would still keep them low. Then I would slowly(over days/weeks) move them up the the tank. Once everything is settled I would start running both 250s for what photocycle you want to keep.

BTW if your corals take to the new light like a duck to water(I love cliches), Ignore everything previously mentioned.

Keep in mind your corals may lose some color simply because you moved to a 10K bulb. However, you might also see more growth. I like the 10K look.

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well the same question arose for me also, and headless hit it right on the head. i spoke to him and did a quick turn on of MHs over my 72 bowfront, the corals after 3 hrs loved it. No retracting and they seemed to actually look happier. thanks for all the help James. slow acclimation if neede is worth it, but in my case i think i got lucky cause everything in my tank looked great. The screen works too.

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