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Just wondering who keeps what anemones. I have a condi I hoped my clowns would host, that's was a no go, clowns at PETCO here only host condis it seems. Who else keeps anemones and which ones do clowns seems to prefer in yalls opinion.

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I have 1 GBTA and my clowns host that and I have about 6 RBTAs and my clowns host those. I have the following clowns and they all host any of the BTAs... normal Percula, normal Ocellaris, B&W Ocellaris, Platinum Clowns. I also have a Red/Blue Rock Anenome and a Purple Tube Anenome and those are NOT hosted by my clowns as they would be pulled in and eaten.

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It isn't just a matter of the kind of anenome but also the clown itself. Some host faster than others and some learn from another to host. I know clowns also host Condi's as well.

I use my finger nail and or a craft razorblade. I use the point of the razorblade to poke / pry up the foot of the anenome. Some say that if you damage the foot, the anenome will die. This may be the case if it is severely damaged but I have not had on die yet and I know I have damaged a few while I have removed them, still being as careful as I can be. It is easier if you can do it when they are on the move so they aren't as anchored into a hole in the rock, etc. I have also heard that ice touched around the foot will help loosen them from the rock... I have used this method with limited success but ultimately had to resort to my finger nail or razorblade to help with the job.

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Or if the rock is small, you call pull it out and suspend it above a bucket of salt water, with just a tentacle or two touching the water- this usually causes them to realize they're out of the water, detach, and plop into the bucket.

If you're going to be manipulating the foot, just be careful, especially on uneven surfaces. And, I would recommend wearing latex gloves, or something of the sort- for some reason, the Condy is the only anemone I have ever been fiercely stung by when manipulating it: plus the gloves keep the mucous from getting under your fingernails!

The species of the anemone that you're looking for honestly depends on the species of clown you have! Not all clowns will host all anemones, and some captive bred clowns will never host at all!

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Well it seems like my clowns are interested in my Xenia, been hanging around it lately. That'd be OK with me, I'd rather they host it so I don't have to worry about my anemone walking around causing havoc.

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Which is where they hang. Here recently it seems my female is becoming more aggressive, nips at my male and my hand anytime I put it in the tank. Not sure if I should be worried or if she's just finally marked it as her territory.

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