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Ok I have a problem one of my tanks is green not the rocks or the glass but the water, I have done a water test it came out good, I did a 10 gallon water change with new saltwater. I don't know why is so green the water I used I put in both of my tanks. The 15 gallon is really clear where in my 30 gallon it's green. Does any one know why this is?

I do have a UV staralizer but the light is currently out so I have it off but well be getting one after Christmas hopefully. But I till than what can I do. The corals a re not getting the light they need. :(


Edited by christian
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To me it seems like a HUGE nutrient overload. A reason the parameters could turn out "ok" is because all of the algae in the water column could be absorbing the nutrients? Did you just set it up/ add new rock/ sand, etc? What kind of filtration do you have?

Do you dose your tank w/ phyto or have macro in it?

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Yea it could be but I only feed the tank every other day, sometimes once very day. It's been set up for a while. Added some new corals a week ago. I'm running a 50 gallon hang on the back filter on it.

All the corals are open and the fish are swimming and eating.

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It looks like a huge microalgae or phyto bloom to me. Try putting a megaton of really fine filter floss in and see if it sieves out. Another guess would be that just a 50gal hob isn't good enough to keep up with the bioload...could have allowed the phosphates to get out of control causing the bloom.

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also, one way to solve it is simply put some live rotifers in there like bio does in his culture. Just turn off your HOB filter (it really shouldnt make too big of a difference if only for a couple of days) and let the rotifers do their thing. It could actually be a good thing due to all the live food it could make for your corals and such.

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Here is the specs on the tank

Lighting: 4xT5HO JBJ light with 3 led moon lights

Bulb order

Back to front

JBJ actinic

Ocean sun by zoomed

Marine glo by GLO

JBJ daylight

50 gallon HOB by aqua clear now owned by fluval

Two 500 aqueon power heads

45-50 lb of live rock


Show size montapora cap





Wisker frags

Flower pot coral

And a seabae anemone


2X snowflakes

2X yellow prawn gobies

1X lawn mower blenny

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It's pretty unusual to see green water but it is a microalgae bloom. A UV or a diatom filter (the diatom filter will actually remove the algae from the water, the UV will leave the nutrients in the system) will clear up the water but as was pointed out above you need to look at what's feeding it.

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