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Trying different salts


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Looks like I need to switch salts. It never occurred to me to test the mixture before I did the water change. Thanks for doing this! Better salt mix means less supplementation and less $ and less frustration.

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I have a whole bucket of RedSea Coral Pro. I thought that's what you were talking about. I didn't realize RedSea makes 2 kinds. If you plan on getting some anyway I recommend going to Deep Blue Aquariums. They sell buckets for $60.

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I have some Red Sea Coral Pro and wouldn't mind donating some for these tests. Biggest issue would be coordinating drop off considering we are at opposite ends of the city.

I test my water everytime before a water change due to issues I previously had with some SeaChem salt (defective batch that had very bad readings, tested and confirmed by SeaChem who provided lots of free product in return. Great customer service). I have tried SeaChem Reef Salt, Tropic Marin, and Red Sea Coral Pro.

I have not tested as many as Gabe and do not want to steal his thunder, but I am happy to share my results. These are all using RO/DI water and mixing to 1.025 SG. I also want to emphasize that there are always differences from batch to batch even with the same salt and source water. I test Ca, Alk, pH, and Mg of each batch. These results are also taken over the course of a year (I used SeaChem until about March, switched to Tropic Marin from March-July, and just in the past month starting using the Red Sea).

SeaChem Reef Salt: pH=8.2-8.4, CA=290-310, alk=2.6-2.75 meq/L, Mg= 820-860

Tropic Marin: pH= 8.3, CA= 380-400, alk= 2.9-3.1, Mg=1000-1050

Red Sea Coral Pro: pH= 8.3, CA= 380-400, alk= 2.5-2.65, Mg= 870-950

The low magnesium has been the main reason I have changed salts. I have both a Salifert and an Elos test kit and results seem to be consistent. I am not sure there is a salt that is putting proper amounts of Magnesium into their mix. I am tackling this problem by adding MagFlake to my mix water to raise it to 3X calcium each week. This is a recent step some I will report back with results later.

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I would really like to see more tests done. Can we all bring different salts to the next meeting (although only about 10 people have shown interest and I'm sure we don't all use 10 different types of salt)? You could collect the different kinds and mix up some batches when you get home. The batches should all be 1.025 sp grav, 79*F, and mixed for 24 hrs before testing. Many salts have compounds that can take a day to fully integrate. We should also wait until we have more tests so we don't have to do this twice. Let's make a list of the ones that are important. That will be a good future meeting topic: water quality, parameters and dosing.



















Hopefully some will read zero such as Si and P. Maybe we don't need to test those since a manufacturer would have to be retarded to include those elements. I didn't realize how many trace elements are important. I probably didn't even get them all listed. So who has which tests? I only have pH and kH.

Oh yeah we should also get some U and Pu! j/k :D:spell::whistle:

Edited by 4R00P3R
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To help make this information useful it would be nice to post the results as a sticky making the info more accessible.

What has been tested so far? What is being used as a baseline? And what are we testing for?

Also I agree the test should be conducted from the same water source if we are shooting for continuity.

Just a thought. . .


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It was Tropic Marin normal. I had one batch that tested really low (similar to your results, ~300), but most batches were between 380 to 400. Given the number of batches I made during the months I used Tropic Marin I threw out the low result as an outlier or possible human error. Similarly I had a low Ca batch the first time I used Red Sea Pro. I rolled the bucket around the next week before mixing and the last two batches have been around 400.

Low alkalinity and magnesium have been the much more consistent problems for me.

Glad you posted those results. Was that Tropic Marin pro or normal. You got a much higher Ca reading than I did.
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I was pointed to this thread which will give better answers than any tests we could do.


Sorry to say it but that thread is a bunch of BLAH BLAH BLAH with very little practical information. The 3 or so tests they mention were all independently conducted with different water sources. One of the tests isn't even freshly missed, it was their tank water. Another didn't even say what brand of salt.

Let's have a thread for discussing this topic, and another thread for "results only" which include manufactured salts and real natural sea water. That would be helpful to everyone.

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the city should report what is in the water right? i remember i found it for san diego ca a report that had in ppm all the diff stuff in the water from copper to chlorine etc

We're not wondering what's in the tap water, we're wondering what's in the RO and salinated water.

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