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peppermint shrimp


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this feels silly asking but are they difficult to keep in a new enviornment.

i set up a refugium, but i still dont have sand lr in it, just a tub full of water

and copepods.

i plan to go buy play sand and fill it with that, and i have a bunch of stone

at the house i plan to put in it. but no lr.

do i have to have lr? or could i just sprinkle some mysis cube over the area and feed em that way for a while before i figure stuff is growing?

what do they eat? i see them crawling on rock picking stuff but there really is nothin there that i see.. they seem big for detritus eaters.

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I agree. It should be fine in the fuge...but there's nothing wrong with dropping a little rock in there for him to climb around.

Peppermint and cleaner shrimp are remarkably hardy. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this...but I always buy a cleaner shrimp to help carry my tank through the cycle. He keeps the damsels/clownfish healthier during that horendous month of reef boredom...and I've never lost him. I did the same thing with a little pappermint guy this last time so that I could keep the upper hand on aptasias, and he did fine too. They seem to especially love frozen mysis.

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I agree. It should be fine in the fuge...but there's nothing wrong with dropping a little rock in there for him to climb around.

Peppermint and cleaner shrimp are remarkably hardy. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this...but I always buy a cleaner shrimp to help carry my tank through the cycle. He keeps the damsels/clownfish healthier during that horendous month of reef boredom...and I've never lost him. I did the same thing with a little pappermint guy this last time so that I could keep the upper hand on aptasias, and he did fine too. They seem to especially love frozen mysis.

! that is so good to hear! i think im going to order them then. the place im ordering from sells peppermints 4 for 10$. that is almost 3 free compared to the prices here. its worth it just to have em.

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