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Mini Phosban Reactor!!


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Ok, where to start. I have a bio cube 14 and got a Phosban 150 to put on it for phosphate removal. When I read the instructions it said 1 gram per 1 gallon. Well after you account for live rock, sand, and Coral I figure about 10 gallons...

From what I have read that is about a table spoon of Phosban.. Well i think the reactor is a little overkill for a tablespoon??..

So short story I decided to make my own out of stuff around the house and see how it would do.

Sorry for the small details right now I will get back to this just wanted to show some pictures and a video if I can get it posted of the finished product. Mind you I did this in about 2 hours with a Dremel and for the first test it did pretty good. Not for sure I will put this in my tank yet until I get it perfected but I thought it was cool and wanted to share .

This would sit inside the tank most likely in the second chamber with the lid just out of the water and pump out of the first chamber.

Sorry if this is a sloppy thread i was just excited and wanted to get some feedback grin.png





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That cool and little. How does water come out?

The water comes out of 3 drilled holes in the lid. Since this is actually going to sit inside the second chamber of the bio cube as long as the lid is above the water line it just overflows into that second chamber. the water is pumped out of the first chamber by a Rio+50 (really low flow pump) to the bottom of the reactor them flows up through the media. there is no need for a output hose and there is no way that it can flood since it is not outside the main body of water. The same basic design as the PB150 but small.

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As you can see the main body is a simple med bottle really whatever size suits you.

the 90 degree elbow and the piece at the bottom in the center are parts that came with the Rio pump for the different ways you can plumb it, say if you wanted to use the pump for a skimmer.

the tube is a plastic or acrylic about 1mm thick straw that comes with those plastic cups that the lid seals.

the diversion plate (if that is what you would call it) at the bottom was made out of the bottom of a red solo cup that i cut to fit inside the bottle and drilled holes for the water to flow through.

then a piece of like 1/8" thick fine filter material cut the same size as the diversion plate.

(In the picture it shows the diversion plate on top of the filter material I have now found out by reversing them with the plate on the bottom it really fine tuned the slight agitation effect you want with the Phosban.)

If you wanted you could cut another piece of filter material for the top so there is no way of PB ever floating out the top and into the tank. but once you have rinsed it to get the fines out nothing ever gets close to the top.

I also used the valve from the PB150 on the input to control the flow until i can find a smaller valve and smaller hose because now it goes from i think 1/2" down to 1/4" in the reactor but I was just using what i could find.

I tested it quite a few times today in a bucket and its pretty cool seeing the exact same effect the PB150 has but in a small package. I am confident in it enough that i will put it in the tank, but I am going to wait till next weekend so I can keep and eye on it just in case something goes wrong. Fingers crossed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Ben sorry I have not updated work has been real busy and have not had a lot of time. I have to find a way to mount it and make it sit level in the second chamber of the bio cube but to where i can take it in and out easily. I am thinking about cutting a hole the the stock shelf that sits on the top of the second chamber or get some lexan and fab my own top shelf that will replace the stock one so I don't mess it up if i ever want to sell it. I also would really like to build a small refugium in the second chamber that the mini reactor will flow into.

It may be a little while I am going to be in Indiana all this next week doing a aerial survey so my tank will be in the hands of my wife. I will get this going eventually and will post with pictures as soon as I do. I will try to get it in ASAP grin.png

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I am just going by what the recomended usage calls for on the side of the canister of Phosban per gallon and for roughly 10 gallons that is not very much at all. I wondered if it really mattered how much you could use but I never could find anyone actually saying it was ok. I did see where people advised If you put too much you could shock your corals so I just figure as long as I do what the directions say I have nothing to worry about smile.png. Plus it gives me a reason to get creative and I figured it would be cool to miniturize a PB150...

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