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Chiller repair in Austin area?

janky jameson

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I have a used TECO Seachill TR10 that is not working properly, and I'm having a rough time finding a small appliance repair center that will look at it. Has anyone had a good experience getting their chiller repaired anywhere in the Austin area, or have any ideas where I might be able to take mine? THANKS EVERYONE :)

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Only thing funky about chillers is the amount of freeon they take. Its such a minute amount its hard to get them cooling right. Either too much or too little freeon in the system will cause them not to work right, and finding the leak if there is one is like a needle in a haystack. I threw a chiller away that I bought from a guy on here that supposedly "works great smile.png".....bought a brand new arctica and never looked back.

Edit...ironic, was a Teco chiller that I chunked as well...

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Thank you for the quick responses, everyone.

Aquajohn-I thought the same thing. Kevin from Teco told me I should be able to easily find someone around town, and get them to repair a leak/recharge (if that was indeed the issue) for around $50-100. I have called multiple A/C repair and small appliance repair centers around town (Shaver Service center, True Blue, and about 5 others that they recommended) and nobody would work on it.

Bio3-Thank you for the recommendation. I currently have the chiller being looked at by a guy who does car A/C repair, to see if it's something he can work on. But it's looking like a no, so I'll definitely look into this.

DerrickH-That sucks. I will be most unhappy if I have to chunk my Teco.

AllWYSIWYG-The controller seems to work fine and the fan is coming on too, but the compressor doesn't seem to be coming on. Also, the guy who works on car A/C mentioned above said he thinks the compressor is busted. No good. Hopefully he didn't destroy anything in finding that out, if he's right, because Kevin from Teco said he might be able to heavily discount a compressor for me if I can find someone to install it. And yes, checked the fuse. It is fine. Do you think a compressor replacement is just too risky/expensive to try, even if the compressor is cheap (like, around $100 when the unit was $550 new)?

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Try this:



The manual:


I work for Teco...well Teco Westinghouse anyways. The Teco chillers are built in Italy. The contact info below may also help. I dealt with this guy on my chiller.

Massimo Turci

[email protected]

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