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It looks like the last BRS group topic closed down. However I do need about $85 of stuff. Is there anyone out in the NW Austin to Leander area (I'm in Cedar Park) that is interested in a group buy? If not, maybe just combining an order to beat the $175 for free shipping.

Lemme know!



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Yo Tim.

I'm down for a 2 part starter kit. Do you want to add it to yours and I'll pay ya back?


Gimme an RBTA! wink.png

lol haha my rbta is walking around right now not very happy about that

txt me you got my number

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I'm interested. I have about $85 worth and four items. I realize we don't know each other so let me know your comfort level with me possibly jumping on board with your order. I do have paypal.



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I'm interested. I have about $85 worth and four items. I realize we don't know each other so let me know your comfort level with me possibly jumping on board with your order. I do have paypal.



hey i can place the order on sunday just lmk what your getting and just paypal me the amount you are spending since thats how i will pay. here is my paypal [email protected]

lmk if you do like i said my order has the free shipping already

ps your inbox is full

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Thanks - just cleaned up my inbox.

I know you are in North Austin, more specifically where are you so I can figure out if I can get to you (have two little kids and work down south so it's not always easy).



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Thanks - just cleaned up my inbox.

I know you are in North Austin, more specifically where are you so I can figure out if I can get to you (have two little kids and work down south so it's not always easy).



hey i live off 183

here is my address

8900 pointer ln

austin tx 78758

i am only 5 mins from aquatek

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My order is attached. $85.83. I believe you said you are doing the order Sunday. Let me know if that's correct and I'll Paypal you over the weekend. For now, I gotta get back to work! :)

BRS still has their 5X Rewards sign still up. It was supposed to expire yesterday but I bet if you place it early today, before they drop the sign, they will give you the 5X for all this.




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