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So........ After a couple months of personal hell, I am proud to say I am back! I am looking for some starter frags to fill my cube. Anything in the monti family, or colorful acros, even fancy softies. If you have cheap frags that are off color and need to be rescued and given a good home, please let me know!!! Thank ya'll so much, and I am so stoked to be back!!!

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Yeah I picked up a jbj and am looking to start back up........sadly all my equipment is old, but I think with a lil help I can get back into things smoothly. Hope you are well!!!

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We are very well! Keep me posted...

Still stocking - slowly here, very slowly. Since Warlock (lol) got us a deal on a discus group we couldn't pass up, and the discus convention is next month...but it's great to see you back up and running. Let me know if you need anything? .... Since you know what all I have. Lol



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