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Tang Aggression, Nipping Fins or something else?


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Woke up to find our baby yellow bellied blue tang (~1") had the top of his fine removed...

This happened during the night, since it looked fine before lights out yesterday.

Do you think this could be the work of the yellow tang (~ 3"), or maybe the eel?

I normally wouldn't think it was the eel, since it's always been very laid back... but his feeding schedule has been off since we went on vacation.

The yellow on the other hand is always mean, and we just put in a big piece of nori last night, which it is very protective over.

Thanks sad.png




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Could be either one but I would lean towards the yellow, those and the purples can be jerks sometimes. BTW that looks like a standard blue hippo to me, doesn't appear to have a yellow belly from the pics.

Keep an eye out for fin rot now that the fin has been damaged and also consider moving the fish immediately if the yellow is picking on it, they can't handle much abuse.

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Looking closer I don't think it's a nip... maybe got spooked and scratched against it's hiding place in the live rock. Don't see any chunks missing.

I think the yellow bellies only really show yellow coloration when then mature... :dunno:

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Seems the same today, nothing worse... eating like a pig and the yellow tang seems pretty laid back too:

Also the purple tang I got from Hydro (ALLWYSIWYG) is doing great in QT:

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I think the yellow bellies only really show yellow coloration when then mature... :dunno:

That is correct. I have one that the yellow is finally starting to come in. When it was smaller, the bottom was just a little lighter blue. Over time it changed to a little translucent looking and now a yellow tint is starting to show.

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My hippo's tail fin looked all chewed up. I thought same thing. Turns out she had found a spot in my rockwork that she could sleep in. Her tail always rubbed on the rocks when she slept, hence the tail damage.

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Thanks Derrick, I'm glad it's not aggression :)

Been thinking so much about having the yellow and purple play nice, and then introducing an Achilles and Chocolate Mimic together down the line... so aggression has been at the front of my mind.

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The convict does look pretty neat smile.png

Achilles is kind of why I even went for the 240... also why I'm going nuts with flow. Had thought I'd put in a powder blue and achilles in at the same time, but after seeing Hydro's (ALLWYSIWYG) Mimic I changed my mind. Just loved the coloration of that fish in mature form.

With the 5 tangs, that's it for big fish.

I'll try to keep everything else under 4-5"... probably some wrasses and anthias...

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Lol, my tank is tiny. Two tang max thumbsdown.gif for me.....Sailfin and either a powder blue, or another convict. I got my convict he was just plain silver and black, after a day or two, his top fin gained a bright yellow edge and his tail started to turn lime green/yellow. Was really cool looking! He decided to munch on my dino outbreak though....made him a slow simmer and well he got sucked into my power head. I wasnt home when it happened. I have a wave box now so hope to not have these problems.

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Doing small doses of melafix marine on the tank, and it also looks like the tang has moved into a new hiding / sleeping place.

Looks like it's fin is getting a lot more better, pretty shocked with the quick turn around :D

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