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Advanced Photography


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I want to take a poll to see who would be interested in learning more about Advanced Photography. This would not be part of the regular monthly meetings. This would be me, opening up my home to a few people at a time to give instruction on advanced photography. I may end up turning this into something monthly on my own to cover a range of different topics. I have not decided on topics and this may be something that a poll is taken on as well later on down the line. Starting out requirements will be you having a DSLR camera.



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I dont have a DSLR.. would this work?



something like that will work since it has the "creative" settings on the camera. You will be somewhat limited as far as macro and editing goes, but you could still get good images.

DSLR's have a lot more capabilities with different lens options and the ability to shoot in RAW for when it comes time to edit the photo. I have always said.. it isn't the camera that takes a good photograph, it is the person behind it. But with a better tool, more capabilities open up.

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soo.. That is 8 people.. More than enough. I was thinking having something with no more than 5 people at a time so everyone could get the most out of it and so there will be more one on one help if needed.

What day of the week will work best for everyone?

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I kinda like the idea of something on a week night.. simply because weekends should be spent with family. I can also understand that not everyone can attend on a weeknight. I'm working with another member of the forum on this. I'm sure we can all come to an agreement and work something out. As is, it looks there may be more than one class going on anyway.

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