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Feeding skimmer from tank drain?


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Is anyone feeding their skimmers from the tank drain? I picked up a simple AquaC Urchin to use on my tank and was thinking of feeding it from my drain line instead of a MJ1200. I am using a Rio2100 for return so I figure the return is around 300gph which is what the MJ1200 is rated for. I would only be saving 10 watts of power, but it would be one less pump to fail, and no additional heat. I think I might try it tonight after work. Anyone see any issues?

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I feed my Deltec AP600 from one of my drains. Deltec recommends doing this, so Im taking their advice. You're getting overflow water from the surface of the tank instead of deep sump water into the skimmer, which is what you want. I say go for it if you can.

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I am going to try it tonight. The only problem is I am not 100% sure how much flow I am returning to the tank. I have a Rio 2100 and I am estimating roughly 300gph which would be perfect but it might be a bit more or less. The skimmer is designed to use a Maxijet 1200 which is 292gph. The other thing I am worried about is running all the drain through the skimmer. If it where to get clogged somehow it might get nasty. I guess I will have to protect the durso mouth somehow. Right now I am not worried (two fish), but down the road when I add snails and critters it might become an issue.

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It could be possible to split the sump feed so that all the overflow water isn't going through the skimmer. Hey I haven't looked but is that skimmer have a recirulating pump on it as well. I don't think the water feed would be as important verses

dwell time in the skimmer. Just my thoughts because I have experience with an Aqua Medic 1000 that required very little

water to feed it. I know not the same skimmer but same concept if it is recirculating.


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It is spray injection. The feed powers the whole skimmer. I looked at it when I got home and ran into another issue, so it is on hold for now. My sump is not tall enough to contain the skimmer exhaust port. It is about 14 inches up and my sump is only 12 inches tall. I am not ready to deal with random splashing yet. I want to get a bigger sump anyway, so I guess that is my next task.

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Well against my better judgement I tried running the skimmer off the drain line. It is to restrictive by itself (which is probably why water was running out the top of my tank :D ). I hooked up a ball valve to divert some of the water, but I don't think it is reliable enough to both push the skimmer and not overflow. I guess I will just go with the pump that is is supposed to have. I think I can get most of my $8 in fittings back from HD. :)

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