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ARC forum on Reef Central?


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Has anyone thought about applying for forum space on Reef Central? They have quite a bit of traffic and who knows how much Austinites (is that a word?) are wondering around looking for a home. :(

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LOL! Well maybe tomorrow. I haven't heard from Griss yet today, but I know he got the info and will set it up. It took a couple days to get the MASVC forum going. Hopefully we will use it more than my last club did.

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No Prob. I figure we can at least post all the meeting dates and gatherings on there. Austin has 600k people and I know some of them probably visit RC and not ARC. I know it brought some traffic to my old club.

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I will if you want me too. I have been with RC for a long time and post whore there quite frequently. I would love to advertise our club as much as possible. I think we have a large pool of people to work with, we just need to get the bodies involved.

I am not sure about the rest of you, but I was pretty impressed with the people that showed up to the last meeting. My old club was about at the same stage as this one and we didn't have that kind of attendence from local stores, and industry people. Austin is a pretty cool city and I can see us hosting a MACNA or something down the road. I never had the opportunity in my old club because we where a small group in a small community.

I am just rambling now... :hug:

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