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I have a lighting question.


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39 watts x 4 or 6.

4 bulbs is 156 watts

6 bulbs is 234 watts

what size tank? divide the total watts by how many gallons of display water. around 4 watts a gallon I think is ok.

I have a rose bubble anemone under 4.5 watts a gallon and it is doing great.

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I'd recommend the below combination. Its not what I have currently but after a few different combinations Ive tried, this is what would be pretty good/balanced for T5HO and could grow some easy SPS if you wanted to:


Blue plus-fix 1 for morning/evening 2 hours

Purple plus-fix 1 for morning/evening 2 hours

aqua blue special-fix 2 mid day combined with fix 1, 4-6 hours

purple plus-fix 2 mid day combined with fix 1, 4-6 hours

KZ new gen-fix 3 mid morning/evening combined with fix 1, 1 hour then off when fix 2 comes on

blue plus-fix 3 mid morning/evening combined with fix 1, 1 hour then off when fix 2 comes on


You will need 3 separate timers, now this is based on if your 4 bulb fixture has separate power cords for pairs of bulbs and if they are paired with front 2 and back 2.

Just my .02c

Edited by DerrickH
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Oki tink their only like 3 months old. And so I can have like what ever corals I want?

With the lights you have you can have a colorful reef system but no you can't have whatever corals you want. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" regarding lighting and corals. Corals and lighting conditions need to be matched to each other as closely as possible for your best success. Some corals will adapt to a wide range of lighting conditions and some will not. Some species will tolerate a sudden change in lighting conditions, some will not. Whether you get animals from one of our excellent LFS or from another hobbyist you need to find out as much as possible about the conditions it was grown under.

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