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Rust looking spots in my aquarium


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Hey everyone I am new to this this might be completely normal but I am unsure. I have little spots that look like rust starting to form in my aquarium. Is this normal?

Did you get some guys to come over and help you get set up?

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It is new not sure if they are easy to wipe off. They are on some of the rocks and on the back wall. I did have someone setup the aquarium for me. Should I try to get these rust spots out of the aquarium?


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i would be surprised if it was cyano or diatoms, neither really look like rust color cyano is more deep burgundy colored and diatoms are more brownish in color. it mite be something in the rock. was the rock new dry rock or was it cured cycle rock? see if you can take a toothbrush and brush it off.

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Actually, I've had cyano that took on a rust color on my live rock. It comes in many forms, not just the maroon mat-like appearance on the sand bed. A half dose of Chemi-clean cleared it up before it became a major problem.

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The name "cyanobacteria" comes from the color of the bacteri, i have seen what some say is cyano, but its not. there are many forms of bacteria that mimic the texture and look of cyano. and im sure chemi clean will take care of most of it.

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at the very least i would swing more towards diatoms, if the tank is or rock is new its part of a cycle and will burn off in a couple weeks i know it makes your tank look like crap but its just part of it. you can add snails that eat the diatoms. my favs to get this job done are trochus, astrea, and nassarius. they are quick and efficient at getting the problem taken care of.

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It is similar. It rubs off very easily. I have it on the rocks, sand, and the glass. to rub it all off I will need to take the rocks out to take it all off. Not sure if I should do that or just leave it. The rock was cured dead rock.

Thanks for all the responses.

My 40g tank is going through its cycle right now(day 11) and I have rust colored spots on the sand and glass, i think it is diatoms. Look at my 40g thread pics and see if it is similar.

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Yep, it is about the right timing for diatoms in the new tank stage. You can start adding a clean up crew (crabs, snails) to help battle some of it, but they will eventually go away as your tank matures.

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