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Baby Picasso Clownfish


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Thanks everyone! They have been a lot of fun to watch grow up. I have about 150 babies at this time, so yip at some point they will be available. I haven't decided how I will go through the selling process yet.

Most of the 6 wk olds are currently hosting in ceramic pots or PVC.

If anyone is in the San Antonio area and wants to stop in and visit them, just give me a shout. Lorraine 210-381-5263.

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She says $X (asked by OP to remove :) ) for a pair for the white ones! Aquadome had a pair of ORA platinums that they sold for I believe $300 or $325 recently just for price comparison. I figure they will eventually go down in price, not to many people will pay $200 for a clownfish, I'll buy some then. I might would pay $250 for a pair but that would be about it, and only if I got to pick them out of a group.

Cool video though. Out of curiosity what will you do with the plain clowns that don't sell? I always wondered what breeders did with the undesirables.

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i definatly cant afford $[redacted]

but i have to have one! i have been waiting for someone to start breeding them, so that i can buy it younger and for a cheaper price!

ill buy one if anyone wants to get a group offer going

She says $400 for a pair for the white ones! Aquadome had a pair of ORA platinums that they sold for I believe $300 or $325 recently just for price comparison. I figure they will eventually go down in price, not to many people will pay $200 for a clownfish, I'll buy some then. I might would pay $250 for a pair but that would be about it, and only if I got to pick them out of a group.

Cool video though. Out of curiosity what will you do with the plain clowns that don't sell? I always wondered what breeders did with the undesirables.

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Please note that this thread is not a FS thread. The intent of this thread is to share my experience rearing of these beautiful fish. When I bought this pair I never dreamed that I would have such an experience, yet alone be successful if I tried. This is truly amazing to me. Should have more to share soon. My second hatch is getting their 2nd stripe and the platinums are starting to become white. They change every day at this stage.

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This is pretty close to a for sale thread. IMO you posted this to generate interest in the fish which worked, I even want a pair. The reason that I feel that way is because there was no mention of how you raised them, where you got the parents, how long you had them, what kind of tank they are in, how you collected fry yada yada yada. But there was no story at all just a video of some super cute clownfish babies that will soon be for sale. If you want this to be far from a "for sale" thread tell us the whole story, I would love to know how you raised the fry if you are willing to share your method. I like the video don't get me wrong, those clownfish are awesome.

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@Hydro: Raising clowns isn't hard, it's just tedious, extremely tedious.... Of course there are many steps that you can automate if you were to raise clown fish "commercially". For most of us that wanted to experiment with this at home, I don't think its worth our time (not to mention the $). Unless of course you're raising those platinum clown fish that sells for $500/pair. I experimented with my orange and black pair, because I was curious on how it would look like (result: darkest orange color...); but pretty much stop breeding it after several batches (they still lay eggs like clock work). There are plenty of information available on the web, if you're truly interested in experimenting I can direct you to those places, as well as share my experiences with you. (as you can see from my avatar pic, those different color dots are me, trying to count the # of eggs, lol...was fun)

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Hydro, I'm not here to argue with you, the reason I started it is as I previously stated. I do try and spend time explaining what I do to raise these guys in my threads, when someone bothers to ask me about it. But it appears all people are really interested in is prices. I even opened my home up to you to come see the setups. If you really wanted to learn how it is done, that is what you need to see. That is how I learned (by seeing how someone else was doing it) and then as teg said, I also did a lot of research that is already available online. This is my first attempt at breeding, so don't really consider myself qualified to teach what I am doing to anyone. And when you have 3 batches of fry and a 150g tank and work full time, not a lot of time for documenting the tedius details that is already available in a multitued of places unless you are just in a mood to chatter or share. The video happened to be the best one I have been able to get and I wanted to share it with anyone who would appreciate the hard work that goes into raising these guys. Had comments requested more information, I would have added what people were interested in.

Some of the basics:

I have a contraption that I call the "baby catcher". It automatically collects not only my fry, but also mysid and cleaner shrimp hatches. However, I supplement this with the cup and flashlight method. Hatch is typically on day 9, but I start on day 7 or 8. Turn off the return pump, and most of the internal pumps (sometimes I leave my vortech on low or battery mode until I see babies). I have 1 and 5 gallon white buckets that I use to hold the fry. When complete I use the cup again to transfer fish and about 3 gallons of the water into the 10 gallon that has a small dependable heater, air stone (not set too high), and low watt light (on 24/7). I add rotifers and rotigrow plus so that the water is slightly green. I also monitor pH closely at this stage and add buffer as needed. Over the next few days, I reduce the salinity to about 1.018-1.020 and add rotifers as needed morning and night. At about day 5 I start adding nhbbs that I feed 3-6 times a day along with the rotifers. At about 2 wks I introduce Otimine A, and collect the next hatch. In between all of this is twice daily WC, cleaning the bottoms of the tank/glass, and researching ways to improve what I do.

The lineage is ORA > Donis Reef > me

The coolest thing is the parents were born on my birthday August 18, 2008 and moved with me to Texas from Utah along with my Bluespot Pair! And, even if they never had babies, they are two of the coolest fish I have.

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Thanks for posting more info. There is no need to argue, it is what it is. For me I saw the video and thought you were trying to sell them, just like the other people that responded. That is why you were asked about pricing and nothing else, seemed to be the point of the thread. When you have $5,000-$10,000 worth of clownfish for sale (150 you said so far) I wouldn't consider you a novice at all, IMO you are commercially raising clownfish at this point which is really cool, lets just call it what it is. What was really dissapointing to me is that you are asking commercial prices for them. Usually when anyone is able to reproduce livestock in their tanks they are able to sell it for less because of the lack of overhead, this allows people who couldn't afford it before to own whatever livestock it is. You are trying to make a huge profit from your clutches which is cool, I just didn't feel it was right for you to advertise them in the reefkeeping section. To have put them in the for sale section would require a sponsorship I'm sure.

I've done research on this before, quite a bit actually. I tried it long ago when I had a pair and was able to get them to about a month but I got sick for a few days and couldn't take care of them properly and they died. I'm actually setting up some tanks to raise fire shrimp which I have also done lots of research about too. I believe that I have a method/device of commercially raising them which if successful I will try and patent the method/device (I invent for a living). This will be a commercial project for commercial sales, it is what it is. So I of course have no objection to what you are doing, it was more the approach. If I'm able to raise fire shrimp I can sell them for about $10 each wholesale which obviously is no where near $200....and from what I read they are more work than the clownfish you are raising.

I worry that you are going to have many undesirables that will have trouble finding homes for. What happens to these fish? When you say "culled" do you mean killed? You said you have about 150 fish now, that alone is an incredible amount of fish to move locally. I feel like you will end up like an animal shelter, having to euthanize any pets noone wants. Unfortunately that's just what it takes when you are in business breeding preferred livestock.

Anyways I really do wish you luck in raising them and selling them. I've said my 2 cents and I'm done, hope that are no hard feelings. No matter what I'm still impressed you did it.


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Thank you ACampbell.

For the record, I have not made a dime from any sale, have no list going for a sale, and haven't decided how I will sell. I have considered investing in sponsorships down the road. However, 3 hatches to the age of 6 weeks, 2 weeks, and 3 days in no way makes me a commercial breeder. How ridiculous is that. I have on the other hand spent every day and cancelled all my summer trips to take care of these fish and invested the money necessary to properly care and feed them, like any good hobbist would. I provided courtesy replies to PMs for those who asked for prices.

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