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hey!! so, ive been doing freshwater for about 2 years, then i move here and start the tank again (55g). i had cichlids in there, and i had a 33 with just other community fish. mainly from walmart. so when i moved here to austin, my options opened, and i was just gonna do a community tank. i tried starting the tank a few times, to where eveything was fine, but fish kept dying. so then, my girlfriend got some cichlids for her tank, and i said screw it, and got yellow lab. threw it in the tank, not literally, and it lived. its still alive! but thats in my 10 gallon now that im gonna give to her sometime. the reason i moved it to the smaller tank was cuz i met someone at work. a member on here, but not sure his name. ill find it out and give him tons of cred. but i started........youl never guess........ SALWATER! something ive wanted to do since i started with fish.

so hes helped me with everything. gave me a bunch of his water, told me all the stuff to get. so its been maybe almost a week now, im treating the water with Seachem Stability, and i have a small damsel, not sure the exact kind, about 40lb of live sand and about 11-12lb of liverock. im planning on getting some dry rock, and seeding that. again, thank to this member for saving me a gazzillion in liverock purchases. he laso saved me a crap ton on lighting. spent 59 dollars for a.. what is it... Odyssea 48" 108W (2x 54W) T5 HO Light Fixture. copy and paste ftw. maybe later ill upgrade to some top of the libe stuff, but for now, i think its good.

so there it is. and here i am. on this, so far, awesome forum. hoping to meet lots of cool people and learn too much stuff

peace out

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Welcome to the group! Having someone to help you that knows what they're doing can save you so much trouble, and money. This is a great group with a ton of knowledge so ask all the questions you can! I know I've gotten a ton of help here and my tank is so much better for it.

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