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New member of the family


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gabe, that is one seriously cute dog. i also have a new addition to my family. we recently adpoted an english bulldog to be friends with our french bulldog.

milo on the left(english bulldog). pudge on the right(french bulldog). here they are soaking up the sun in my computer room. we like to call it, " gettin' some sun-butt."


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Thanks guys! He is a real ham. He is getting along pretty well with my other 2 dogs. The older female wants nothing to do with him but doesn't do anything to him either. We have only had one potty accident and he has already learned to sit.

I love Bulldogs! That is what I really wanted but after reading about how much trouble they can be when living in a warm climate I opted against it. Besides, this is my wife's dog and she really wanted a Yorkie.

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french bulldogs vary in size. from 18-30lbs. mine is 20 lbs. a very stout 20 lbs. he is full grown. not getting much bigger. his face might get thicker in a year or so though. his sire had a thick face.

it is true that bulldogs do not adapt to extreme climates well. extreme cold can be as much trouble for one , as extreme heat. however, mine are both inside dogs. they both prefer laying in the AC as opposed to laying outside. they get their exercise in the mornings and evenings during the summer. they dont go outside during the heat. you have to be really careful with them because they can overheat in a matter of minutes. luckily they both love to eat ice cubes. bulldogs also come with loads of other possible issues. elongated soft pallets, luxating patellas, hip dysplacia, prone to ear and skin infection( because of folds) chronic allergy ( quite common in bulldogs ), and a whole slew of other stuff. bulldogs have their health issues, but i wouldn't trade them for anything. i'll gladly pay any medical costs for these guys. their personalities and dispositions are what i love. bulldogs are laid back, easy going dogs. besides, look at those sour mugs! how precious! well, to me anyways.

Edited by iflytoohigh
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Believe me I love them. Just with my schedule they would either have to hold it a long time or be outside during the heat of the day. I have plenty of shade and I keep a kiddie pool in the yard for the dogs, but I don't think that would be enough for a bulldog. Really, I'm jealous.

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ya, bulldogs are definitely inside dogs. luckily my wife and i have opposing schedules. she leaves early to work, and gets home early. i leave late, and get home late. and we have shifting weekends. so the dogs are only alone for around 5 hours a day. and get 3 / 7 days week with one of us home all day. plus they are really lazy, so all they do is sleep anyway.

maybe at the next meeting i can bring them along for everyone to cuddle. did i mention they are both huge cuddle monsters?!

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