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Getting Rid of Planaria


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I have quite a bit of planaria in my tank. They do not seem to be causing any problems but they are ugly as all get out. Is there something I can add to my tank to either kill them or eat them?

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I have a mystery wrasse in there. I have been considering getting a leopard wrasse but have been holding off. I have heard that planaria can release a toxin when they die and that if they all die at once it can tank the tank.

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Six line Wrasse worked on one of my tanks, or rather after adding a Six Line Wrasse the red flatworms disappeared except in a corner where they were protected by a flower (rock) anemone. I've had them in tanks where they disappeared on their own but they weren't at what I'd call "plague" proportions.

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I had planaria at one point and then they all disappeared. I think my watchman goby ate them - I saw him eat a baby bristleworm the other day. (That actually concerned me, because it irritated his gills.) He'll eat anything, I've named him Mikey.

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i have a green coris wrasse and he picks anything and everythng that moves on the rock and sandbed, i move a coral off the sand bed the other day and he went to town where it was at and made a dust storm of the sand underneath it. i had a mystery wrasse also but all he would eat is pods and mysis.

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I have a cleaner wrasse that tends to go in between rocks to eat stuff. I think he is eating the smaller larvae but the bigger ones are too big for him to eat. I keep siphoning off the big ones when I do water changes. Thankfully they are not at plague proportions. They are just hanging out on my frogspawn colonies.

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Neither of my flasher wrasses would eat them, but then the eel ate the flashers so that was the end of them. My blue/green chromis doesn't seem interested, mandarin didn't touch them. I've heard a yellow coris wrasse will eat them, but I can't keep one in the tank long enough to make any difference, the yellow tang keeps chasing it into the overflow. Tried less feeding, more skimming, no go, so I'm going to tag along on this one.

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If I told told you blue green chromis will eat them would you believe me?

I would not believe you. Mostly on tone of the response. Haha. That and blue green chromis are not known to eat anything on rocks. They only feed on stuff in the water column so they would just be useful in eating suspended larvae.

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If I told told you blue green chromis will eat them would you believe me?

I would be dubious based on my experience with chromis but acknowledge my experiences also suggest most fish are out to prove me either wrong or a fool. :(

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