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Crocea Clam


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Picked up this little crocea over the weekend. Had him positioned next to this rock so that he faced upwards (see photo). Now he's somewhat horizontal and has attached to the side of the rock – eep! (Discovered this when I tried to move him in a more vertical position) I didn't realize he would attach horizontally or so quickly. Will he be ok horizontal? If not, it's probably safer to relocate that toadstool coral, but what is the best way to do that? Do I just cut the coral's base and reattach it elsewhere? (I've never fragged anything.) Do you think if I put another rock under the clam, he'd attach to that instead?

Thanks for all your help!!


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I'd let it be. It's trying to find it's happy place. You could just move the toadie rock, and if the clam isn't happy it will relocate itself. Then once it lets go of the rock follow the below advice.

One trick I use is to place a clam/oyster shell underneath them for it attach to. That way it thinks it's secure but I can move it if I need to.

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The clam might detach and go to the new rock/shell if you put it under it( i would recommend giving this a try so its easier in the future to move where ever you want and it wont attach to the rock most likely . you can also if you are not happy and really and i do mean really want to move him you can cut the byssal thread. be extra extremely careful doing this because of the foot ( i have cut the threads before). i just scraped at the rock instead so get the thread off i did not just cut them. be careful not to cut hurt the foot!!!!! i've never had a clam die on me before so i must of done something right

also if the clam is not happy it will detach my maxima did this when i placed it on a rock. he was attached to a shell and then i moved him up and he tossed the shell and attached to the rock.

but overall i would go with what rob says leave him be if there is nothing wrong. the clam will change what ever direction it will be happiest. i've tried to get them to stay a certain way one time but kept changing position so i just left him alone.


here a pic of my maxima


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Thanks all!!

I got home and noticed he wasn't actually attached to the rock like I first thought, but a shell underneath the rock - WIN!!!

I put him on a large frag plug, hoping he'll attach to that. (He's a wee little clam, the frag plug is almost as big as him.) Will move him to a rock after attachment :) What looks like brown on him is actually algae on the glass, I have to clean it.

Nice Maxima - wow!!

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