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Getting copperband to eat


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I got a copperband and he doesn't seem to be eating. I have it in a 75 gallon QT with plenty of hiding places and parameters are good. I've tried emerald entree, frozen mysid, and live brine he it doesn't seem interested. Anyone got any ideas? Anyone got any live food that I could feed it? Maybe tiger pods or rotifers?

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So if you do that does the mussel die if not eaten? I wonder if it will foul up the water or not. I've got some LR in there now but theres nothing worth eating on it. I can grab a piece out of my tank, that's a good idea.

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You may already be over this hurdle, but just in case you or somebody else is experiencing similar this article can be of great help: http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=2597

I'm currently breaking a CBB into prepared foods, seems that he wont touch a thing in the water column, but he picks at the rocks & algae so heavily that I just sprinkle the food onto the rocks and he seems to be catching on. The next fish to break in wont be so easy :shiftyninja: trying another Sunburst Anthias

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My sunburst ate mysis from the start. It took a few days for him to relax in the tank, but now its a super agressive eater. Just make sure that they show interest in food(or ideally) eat at the LFS.

You may already be over this hurdle, but just in case you or somebody else is experiencing similar this article can be of great help: http://www.practical...nt.php?sid=2597

I'm currently breaking a CBB into prepared foods, seems that he wont touch a thing in the water column, but he picks at the rocks & algae so heavily that I just sprinkle the food onto the rocks and he seems to be catching on. The next fish to break in wont be so easy :doh: trying another Sunburst Anthias

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Luckily the one I picked up had been in store for 5 days, and was readily eating mysis at the time of purchase. I'd checked 'em out the day after they arrived, and it was behaving very calm & comfortable compared to the avg Sunburst new arrival. It was still behaving very happily on Friday, and eating, so I had to pick it up. He hid quite a bit for the first day but as of Sunday he spent a lot of time exploring the fuge. Hopefully he winds up in the display sometime in the next week or two :(

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