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Opinions of 80W T5 bulbs?


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I'm planning out a 110-gal predator tank, and I'm trying to think through how to light the thing. I'm already running a reef tank that scratches my SPS itch, so any corals that go in the predator tank will be zoas/shrooms/softies just to add some color. Add to the equation the future tenants, which will include a lionfish and moray who shouldn't be kept under overly-bright lighting, and I'll be going with a T5 rig of some kind. However, I'm torn between a 48" 6x54W or a 72" 4x80W. I'm worried about the ends of the tank being too dim if I go with the 48". On the other hand, the idea of working with a light bulb that long and thin makes me a little nervous about the 72". Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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