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RO DI Filter Recommendation?


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Thinking of getting this RO DI filter (50 gpd) and this Refractometer, unless you can recommend better... I did some preliminary research on this site, but I think the wine I'm drinking is affecting the results which come up nil...Should that be the case, feel free to point that out...




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The below units will work better for you for a couple of reasons:

- #1 you most likely do not need the pump that the unit you linked to has

- #2 you need a DI bed and it needs to be vertical.

- #3 all of the below kits come with nearly everything you need to hook it up.

Buckeye Field Supply: The BFS-157 unit (50 GPD): http://buckeyefieldsupply.com/showproducts.asp?Category=167&Sub=166

Bulk Reef Supply: This link is for a 75 GPD system, but you can use it to build your own 50GPD setup: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/75-gpd-ro-di-4-stage-economy-system.html

I'd also pickup a handheld TDS meter.

Both Buckeye Field Supply and Bulk Reef Supply have refractometers so you can get it from them.

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I bought my JBJ refractometer from aquadome I think for $30 and it works great. A friend of mine owns Hydro Logic and is the leading water filtration supplier for the hydro industry. Their equipment is top notch and the customer service is awesome...oh ya and the prices are great too. If you go online and find the unit from them that you want and PM me the link I can get you hooked up with a local hydro retailer that will give you 15% off of retail pricing.

EDIT: I just checked Mark's link and that is a god price for a ro/di kit for sure.

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Is this the website?


Looks like they are doing a website redesign if so and no catalog is available online at the moment.

I bought my JBJ refractometer from aquadome I think for $30 and it works great. A friend of mine owns Hydro Logic and is the leading water filtration supplier for the hydro industry. Their equipment is top notch and the customer service is awesome...oh ya and the prices are great too. If you go online and find the unit from them that you want and PM me the link I can get you hooked up with a local hydro retailer that will give you 15% off of retail pricing.

EDIT: I just checked Mark's link and that is a god price for a ro/di kit for sure.

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Thanks so much!!

And thanks for the specific links, Mark - I was checking around your site because on one of your videos you mentioned a refractometer, but then I couldn't find it again -- ;)

Also, I'd look into the Hydro Logic, but I'm just renting the current place (after it took me a year to sell the money pit, I mean my house, I decided against buying for awhile). Assuming those larger systems would have to stay with the place...?



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Got my Buckeye Field Supply ro/di unit and refractometer today. First thing I did was calibrate refractometer and then measure salinity. GAWD! It was 1.030...brought it down to 1.028 tonight. Really surprised that nothing is reacting badly to the high salinity, other than snails. Will bring it down slowly over next few days. :wacko:

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