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Carpet Surfing


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Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse jumped some time this weekend. I presume when I was doing a water change and had the cover off and wasn't looking.

It's left the tank before, but I managed to get it back in. Not this time.

My daughter's gonna be pissed when she finds out. She picked that one. hmm.png

Oh, well...I never really liked it. laugh.gif

hmm...I could take the cover off now, I guess. biggrin.gif

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I've had my wrasses jump out several times. So far I have been there to get them back in. I've also had one of them repeatedly end up in my corner overflow and once in the refugium. Still not sure how it got in the refugium yet though, since it's underneath the tank and fed by a maxijet.

I did lose a clownfish to surfing though. I had just nursed it back to health after 5 weeks in my quarantine tank and on the day I was supposed to sell it to another reefer it committed suicide. I guess she had gotten attached to the QT tank?

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I've had a bunch of them...a damsel that lived in the tank for two years, then the eel slithered out the back and the little dog found it. I've lost a couple clowns, a couple sixline's, a lawnmower blenny, but worst of all was the Helfrichi firefish. It jumped when we were on vacation and made it through the egg crate holes.

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Well...guess this thread jinxed me. My angler jumped out of it's tank last night. My favorite fish...just upgraded him to a 20g. I have no idea why he did this. There is an opening around the top about 2" around the whole tank with the light in the middle. I'm going to put egg crate on it this weekend and hope to catch another one the next time I go to the coast. I'm soooo bummed. This fish was beautiful with so much personality. No pictures...he's in a baggy in the trash now. I did hold him by his top fin and put him in the tank...like he was really going to come back to life!bye.gif

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